
Mummy Massage

Crystal Collections

Crystal Collections


Each Collection consists of;
* 5x beautiful hand picked crystals
* Luxurious bag to encapsulate your crystals safely
* Benefits/use Card for each Crystal

Ameythst - Rest, diffuse anxiety, stress relief
Carnelian - Banishes emotional negativity & brings joy
Citrine - Prosperity & financial abundance​​​​​​​​
Clear Quartz - Master healer physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually
Fluorite - Hormone balancing & eliminating stress
Moss Agate - Midwife stone & ease labour
Rose Quartz - Promotes love, peace, determination & feminine energy
Black Obsidian - Protection against all types of negativity

*Disclaimer: Each Collection will come with 5x of the above Crystals depending which collection is ordered.

If you are a newbie to Crystals don’t worry I have broken down the cleansing & charging process for you.
When cleansing crystals you can cleanse them in the moonlight, (sitting them on the window sill).
When setting intentions hold them in your left hand, close your eyes, imagine white light coming from your crown chakra on to your crystals & then tell them what you want them to do for you this is programming!
When recharging your crystals you can charge them in the sunlight (sitting them in a sunny spot).

The collection will be smudged (saged) affirmed with good intentions for the holder, cleansed and charged before being packed and sent off to you.